
A Week After Easter

Well, Easter has come and gone and I haven't a picture to share. Sigh. I cannot remember the last time we did not take a family picture on Easter Sunday. Easter 2008 we were all dressed up and nobody took our picture. I didn't even ask because where we spent Easter there was so much going on...it was just not the time or place I guess. When really it should have been. My own fault I suppose. Well, we'll do one soon and I'll share it proudly. I mean, how often does the miracle of getting 5 people...um, 1 seven year old boy, 1 three year old boy, 1 seven month old boy, 1 thirtymrmph year old man, and 1 thirtymrmph year old woman all dressed nicely and smiling at the same time and looking in the same direction happen?

I've enjoyed seeing Easter pictures of friends and their families and hearing about your family gatherings. I missed my family this Easter. We used to boil and dye eggs, then hide them...yes the real eggs...outside. It was so much fun. Going to church on Easter was always so special to me too. I just loved the story of Jesus' dying on the cross and rising from the grave on the third day...I still do. Nothing else captivates me like that story. I always find myself dreaming about what it was like to live those moments & wondering what it was like for those people to have experienced the greatest event in history first hand.

Then there's the Easter outfit. Ever since I can remember as a little girl I always had a special Easter dress. Some were made for me, some were special purchases...all were treasured. That first new spring dress made me feel very special, like a princess I guess. I miss that. Please don't think I'm complaining, I'm not...but it occurred to me that I have worn one of 3 outfits for the last 5 or 6 Easters. I looked back at pictures from Easters past and its true, every third Easter I'm in the same resurrected outfit. sheesh

My wardrobe stinks...not literally. I'm just not current. I've either been pregnant or just pregnant and who cares about how stylish it was...I was just glad something fit. I do hate my clothes. I'm thankful to have clothes. However, as soon as I can I'm cleaning out my closet and donating to a worthy charity. Then I'm hoping I'll catch some good sales.

I'll say this though...I don't see much on people or in the stores that I even like now. I'm ready for some better options. Maybe I'll just keep my outdated clothes awhile longer; at least I liked them when I bought them. Now I know why my Mom had the same clothes for so long.

Oh mylanta...I just realized that the last 3 drivers license pictures I've had done I was wearing the same salt and pepper sweater in each photo! HONEST! I don't care, I love that sweater.

Well, back to Easter Sunday...

The highlights for me were seeing my boys find their 12 eggs before most of their cousins did, hearing Andrew say the Easter blessing (it began with God is great...and he added some of his own thank yous including "thank you for Easter Jesus dying on the cross" and he closed with a loud and hearty AMEN), the Reeses' pb eggs, seeing Andrew stomp caterpillars on the patio making his girl cousin and aunt squeal.

Next Easter I hope to relive some of my favorite Easter childhood memories with my kids, maybe I'll get a new Easter frock, & we'll take that family picture...but most of all I'll still be thankful for Easter Jesus dying on the cross.


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