
Will Speak

Time and distance does that whole making the heart grow fonder thing to me when I've been away from my boys.  I've missed the sound of my little ones voices.  

The stinkers.  

Michael and I always have fun laughing at the funny things they say.  We have fun telling you the funny things they say too.  Michael and I also find that more and more often we are asking each other, "What was that funny thing he said the other day?"  

no, I am not old...just distracted...and busy...and the mom of 3 boys...the very busily distracted mother of 3 boys who could be President one day...the boys...not me

I have also just learned how to do voice recordings on my "new" :) laptop (aka Snoopy).  I plan on having fun with this feature and capturing some of the funny things they say.  I might even share a few with you.  If you're nice. AND if you say you're sorry for calling or even THINKING me old a second ago. 

Thank you, you are quite forgiven.  We are still friends.

Pause the music first.

(its over there, on the right side of the screen Mom...the blue box...hit the pause button...the one that looks like a sideways equal sign...ok an up and down sideways equal sign...yes, that one;)

So, here's Will, who is always hungry, and is almost 3 in 12 days, asking for a banana. 

you're welcome


  1. Ok, anyone know how to correctly post an audio file? Bueller, Bueller, Bueller....Tracy?

  2. Remember that episode of Andy Griffith where someone is asking Opie for directions? Opie's reply is, "You can't get there from here." Now I'm thinking it may have been part of Jeff Foxworthy's act...regardless of that...I have found it to be true. True as it relates to the above question I posted. I googled. I researched. I asked around. I read more help topics on Blogger and other sites in the farthest reaches of cyberspace than I ever
    D R E A M E D I would go for any reason...any reason. If I'm anything, I'm persistent. What I, rather, Michael AND I learned this evening is that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than it is to post an audio file on my blog. Seriously. We also learned its easier to just make a stinking video, attach the audio file to the video and post that. So he, we, did. I would still like to know if you can get there from here...

  3. Will is too cute! Can I have a bwaanna Mommy?

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Give the boy a banana already Wendy! :) As Lauren would say, "God our fodder, God our fodder, thank you for our blessin's Aw man Aw man. Holly u la. :)
    Your boys are so adorable. But their mom is the most adorable of all. :) Miss you!

  5. How sweet! I just want to know, did you give Will his babwanna? Looks like the party was fun, too!
