
Episode 4 of The Better Part Podcast with my friend, Desiree Thompson

One thing I hope you know is that you are exactly who God wants.  Yes, you.  It's so obvious but sometimes it looks and feels and seems like the girl next door forgets this.  There are way more of us regular girls than not and we are indeed an army. We are the hands and feet of Jesus on earth!  So, just know this. Know it in your marrow, your core.  Believe it and let it be part of the appropriate godly confidence that is His gift to you.  It is your heritage, your birthright in Him because He has adopted you, grafted you into His family.  

Sometimes regular girls need a little reminder of the obvious because, well, because 'life' tells us something different.  You know, we are really not ordinary in the least.  We have a unique calling, every single one of us!

I think it's good to remember that, and I am getting that reminder full on up in my grill every week when I get to connect with friends.  My regular girl next door unique amazing purposed friends are living out their calling and they have a story to share!  A story of encouragement.  A story of faith.  A story of finding their calling.  We don't wake up one day at 18 and KNOW what we are 'supposed' to do.  Nope.  Even you unusually aware and spiritually mature 18s, you just wait!  He's gonna be the biggest surpriserer of your life!  So leave room for following after Him in full on faith. 

Y'all.  My friend Desiree will be the first to tell you she never saw it coming.  In her wildest dreams she did not expect to be adopting babies from Ethiopia and then seeing the word 'founder' by her name on the website of a non-profit ministry.  I loved getting to spend time with Desiree and hearing her heart as she shares the journey her family took through adoption and into this new calling.  If you've got friends or family in the process of adopting I hope you'll share this podcast with them.  It's hard to imagine the reality of life as a child with no family, no hope.  Will you bravely, tenderly open your heart and mind to the idea that there are in fact kids who are never, that's incredibly hard to say, there are kids who are never adopted. They are the unadopted. They are who we are to be for. 

So Desiree shares some ministries with us and I wanted to link you to those here.  You can click on the image to visit each one.  To listen to this episode of The Better Part Podcast you can click on the iTunes icon on the right side of this blog page.  You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes so you don't miss an episode!  Don't forget you can join the conversation by leaving a comment here, commenting on the podcast in iTunes (A rating/review is appreciated!), visit The Better Part on Facebook, and you can connect on Twitter or Instagram with #thebetterpart.  LOTS of ways to join in the conversation!  Find one that works for you and connect!  

I hope you are having a great summer! 

See you soon!

Bethany Christian Services

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