Let me call your attention to the right side of this web page, if you're on a regular computer on your desk or lap, there's a link to iTunes that will take you right to The Better Part Podcast. Above that link, you see the buttons for Twitter and Instagram where you can join the conversation with #TheBetterPart! If you prefer Facebook, there is even a page for the podcast, The Better Part Podcast with Wendy Hogan. I can't wait to connect with y'all and I appreciate your reviews, ratings, and comments especially on iTunes!
This is my friend Christina Baxley and her family. It was so fun having her on the podcast with me. Let me tell you something, a good time is where Christina is. I love being with her.
So, multi-tasking is just one of her amazing skills and in this episode Christina is cooking quinoa. This is quinoa. I had to look it up. The Wikipedia says I pronounced it correctly too. Here's the link if you'd like to read up on quinoa. Unless if you're fancy too and are already in the Quinoa crowd. How do you quinoa?
Christina has been doing Jennie Allen's Anything in a group study and loved it. She'd encourage you to read it and do the study with a small group too, so I'm passing that along. I've been busily reading this summer to make up for lost time or rather a lack of time spent reading anyway. So far I tried Language Arts and couldn't get into it. From there I picked up Melanie Shankle's book Nobody's Cuter Than You, winner winner chicken dinner. Next up was Shana Niequiest's Bread & Wine, I'm 2/3 through this delightful memoir. Listen, do not read this book hungry or late at night unless you are prepared to need a midnight snack. It's good.
Let's talk new math.
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